Randall Martin - Quiet Achiever

Randall Martin was born in Winder, GA and was raised there as well (talk about being in a rut!). The family lived off the land as many folks in the south were proud to do in past generations. His father and grandfather cultivated large vegetable gardens in an effort to feed their offspring as well as fatten up neighbors for market.
Randall was hunting and fishing at an early age, getting his body accustomed to the future rigors of the Black Bag Race Series winter races. Randall recalls riding his bicycle everywhere until he was of the age that his parents trusted him with a vehicle.
Randall graduated from Winder High School where he was on the track team for one year. He majored in hanging out in Tennessee, (this is where Bob Slowpants is from so this means he may need new underwear) with the “Wilder” crowd and minored in chasing girls (distances less than a 5K). Randall considered joining the Army or continuing his education after graduation but married and started a family instead.
Randall’s first job was working in a warehouse for Johns-Manville Corporation, Randall with his company cara local industrial factory, loading trucks on a swing shift. The strenuous physical requirements of the job led Randall to become interested in weight lifting. Still a kid at heart but with responsibilities, Randall bought a bicycle and began averaging riding fifteen miles a day between playing tennis and softball. Looking to the future, Randall after ten years on the loading dock attended Athens Technical College earning a diploma in Industrial Maintenance Technology. Qualified as an industrial mechanic, Randall returned to the job market for five years and then opted again to further his education earning a diploma in Industrial Electrical Technology and an Associate of Applied Technology degree. Eight years elapsed back on the job in industrial machine diagnostics before Randall returned to academics for certification in preventive maintenance using Thermal Imaging, Vibration Analysis, and Ultrasonic Diagnosis. He is also skilled, due to this training, in laser alignment of shafts and electronic balancing of fans. Randall’s current responsibilities include supervising a staff of nineteen mechanics and electricians. If your personality is warped, see Randall for a diagnosis after any race awards ceremony.
Grandpa Randall with the GrandkidsIn between straightening shafts, Randall found time to sire three children (Daniel, Luke, and Amanda). The three have provided Randall with five grandchildren (Aubrey, Logan, Chase, Gavin, and Layton) with another one on the way (Olivia Kate). Randall is currently not married and content, yet besieged by attractive females who have large t-shirt collections. His extended family, work and running keep his plate full. Randall’s earlier in life leisure activities favored competitive sports such as racing dirt track cars and bicycle cycling. At age fifty Randall concluded that he was not doing enough to make a fool out of himself, so he began running and never looked back. Speaking of never looking back, Randall does not recall the first race he ran. His favorite races are the home cooking Summers End 5K in Winder and the Will Chamberlain Memorial Santa Stroll 8K in Bishop, both Black Bag Race Series races. His fastest 5K time to date is 24:08. Randall has become a familiar face in the
Randall with new friends Black Bag Race Series by participating in one hundred fifty four races in 2012, most of which were Black Bag Races, with twelve of those being half marathons. ”Hooked” as Randall recalls after the first few races he became comfortable with the other runners that became fast friends and enjoys the pre/post race festivities. Randall now observes that “the ones I now call my running family keep me going and wanting more”. Randall earned 1041 points and ran 502.55 miles in the Black Bag Race Series in 2012. He was the clear leader in the competitive male 50-54 age group.
Bob checking out from the back of the back. Look for the February Profile on Augusta’s light weight Mara Nance (the runner, not the dog) and in March on an emerging young runner from Tucker, Charles Jackson.
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