Richard Harrison - Self Deported New Yorker

Richard is a transplanted Long Island, New York runner. Richard considered himself an average runner in high school after becoming a participant of the cross-country team when a friend left the team. Richard attended State University of New York Maritime College and ran cross country his freshman year. He prided himself on running six-seven minute miles and being sixty pound lighter than his current weight. Richard alleges Maritime College was a small school with no established track program. While the summer tours of duty aboard ship, physical activity was limited to walking the plank. Richard’s cross country time was also impacted by qualifying for the school drinking team. However when Richard felt sleepy during late night sessions, he would run to stay awake. Richard once bet his college roommate that whoever scored the lowest on a math test would result in the loser running five miles. Richard had to run the five miles on the track but felt that the punishment was not that bad! Richard graduated in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology & Oceanography and with a Third Mate Merchant Marine’s License.
Jacque Cousteau and the Weather Service were not hiring when Richard graduated. After a couple of temporary jobs Richard got a “real job” with a grain export firm in lower Manhattan arranging commodity shipment abroad. Richard found time to run at lunch with his favorite routes being over the Brooklyn Bridge and up on the old abandoned West Side Highway near the World Trade Center. Runner, Bill Rodgers, inspired Richard to participate in his first race, the Cross Island Marathon in 1978. He admitted not preparing for it and suffering thereafter. Richard has never competed in another marathon but has run in all the 5Ks, 10Ks, and five milers he could find plus an occasional half marathon.
Richard married his first wife Anna in 1977 with their daughter Janelle born in 1982. In 1987, Richard was laid off from his position as grain exports declined. He disliked northern winters and large cities, and as his to be ex wife had relatives in North Georgia, he self deported in 1987 like many predecessor carpet baggers. Upon arrival Richard participated in local races and found the Run and See Georgia series. Richard recalls being told that Will Chamberlain put on races and stated that if “You don’t know who Will is, you soon will!” Richard and Bob Slowpants both lament what a big loss Wills’ passing has been to the running community.
Twenty five years ago Richard accepted a position as the Environmental Nazi of Barrow County inspecting restaurants, motels, pools, permitting septic tanks, doing rabies control, and “other duties as assigned”. Richard currently works in the same capacity for the Jackson County Health Department. Richards’s first marriage disunion followed with a 2000 marriage to Teresa, a floral designer. Teresa is a walker who endures Richards’ running mania remarking once, that Richard has more clothes than her but they are all running shirts!
Richard’s daughter and son in law Mark reside in St. Augustine, FL and have produced two grandchildren for Richard. They live two blocks from the fountain of youth. Richard advised that when he drinks the water it does not seem to help. Once he reaches the 65-69 age group, he will realize that those of us in the age bracket are desperate!
Unless sick or traveling, Richard can be found at a race on the Black Bag circuit. He has four 1,000 point Run and See Georgia jackets to his credit, and has placed in his age group finals since 2002. Richard qualified for a 2012 Black bag and tech shirt. Unfortunately Richard only qualified for a left Clover Glove in 2012, which has come in handy when checking septic tanks and field lines. Richard admits to having met a lot of great people running and is proud to be a part of the extended running family. When not running, Richard enjoys gardening, Yoga, and photography. His favorite races are the Hartwell Dam 5K, Soque River Ramble 5K, and of course Clay Sims Red Barn Ramble. His best time is anytime he crosses the finish line.
Bob checking out from the back of the pack. Look for the profile on Mitchell Sinyard and late the profile of Mary Hayes’ better half Larry Hayes.

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