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Tom Skafidas - Running at the Mouth

Tom was born and raised in Western Illinois on the Mississippi River at Rock Island, Illinois and was the  third of five children.  His parents, Greek immigrants who are now ninety four and eighty eight years old, still reside in the same home where Tom grew up.  His parents were in the restaurant business for over fifty years.  Tom and one of his brothers worked in the restaurant washing dishes, busing tables, waiting on tables and ultimately learned to cook.  Between work in the family business and school, Tom’s early childhood had many Hunk Finn/Tom Sawyer moments, fishing and in river activities.

Tom and WifeTom graduated from Rock Island High School in 1970. He played football and baseball through the 10th grade and concentrated on track and cross county his junior and senior years.  He matriculated at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana graduating in 1974. He then entered Dental School at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Edwardsville, Illinois earning a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree in 1977. His dental school years were funded by a U.S. Army Health Professions scholarship.  While in graduate school, Tom’s military rank progressed from Second Lieutenant to First Lieutenant. 

Tom’s military active duty career began at Fort Bragg, North Carolina with the 82nd Airborne Corp where he was promoted to the rank of Captain.  He completed a general practice residency at Wommack Army Hospital and was thereafter assigned to the residency faculty and hospital staff.  Tom remained at Fort Bragg until 1980, leaving active duty after the death of his wife.

Tom's professional pictureTom practiced general dentistry in Winston Salem, North Carolina until June 1985 when he relocated to Atlanta for orthodontic training at Emory University.  Upon graduation he entered the practice of orthodontics in the Atlanta - Buckhead area where he still practices full time today.  Professionally, Tom is board certified by the American Board of Orthodontics and has served as President of the Georgia Association of Orthodontics and the College of Diplomats of the American Board of Orthodontics.  Tom has served as a part time instructor on the Orthodontic Department faculty at Emory and continues to teach board certification classes throughout the country.

Tom married Sylvia, his current wife of twenty-five years, in 1989.  They both enjoy running, traveling, and tennis (which Tom gave up due to a back injury).  The void of missing the Saturday morning ALTA matches has been partially filled by the Black Bag Race Series, Glover Glove Series and the Run and See Georgia Grand Prix series.  The series have allowed Tom to explore Georgia.  He currently runs five days a week to stay fit and participates in senior soft ball, hiking, and downhill skiing.  Tom, along with several Army and childhood friends, formed the “Mile High Flaming Yukon Jack Ski Club” that makes annual treks to great venues such as Jackson Hole, Big Sky, and Lake Louise.  One of the club participants is his eighty-two year old first Army boss and a retired colonel.   

Tom with his buddiesTom has “enjoyed meeting so many interesting people” participating in the running series.  He still misses Will Chamberlain exhorting “have a good race, have a safe race”, still the trademark of Classic Race Services events.  His favorite race is the Summers’ End in Winder and any other race that does not have too many hills.  Tom and his wife have run the Peachtree Road Race for many years.  Tom remarks that “PRs are a fond memory as all he is good for now is sled dogging i.e. if you are not the lead dog the view never changes”.  Tom has missed “seeing his friends” at the races the last few months as he has been recovering from a compound –complex fracture of his left wrist and forearm. Recently medically cleared to run again, he hopes to be back on a regular basis.

Bob checking out from the back of the pack.  Watch for the profile on going postal Eva Allbritton and the profile on Dewy Rose runner Booker T Orsley.