Jimmy Worley - Wired and Fast

Jimmy was born and raised in both Covington and Mansfield located in Newton, County, Georgia. The oldest of two children, his mother was a nurse at Newton County Hospital for twenty years before working for an eye surgeon. She subsequently retired to a challenging post career opportunity to raise grandchildren. Jimmy’s father worked for AT&T for thirty years.
Running was an early part of Jimmy’s life as his father was a jogger in the mid 1970s. His races were not “out and back”. He would start running and see how far he could go and where he ended up-it could be three miles or ten miles! Jimmy’s father would run in the Peachtree City Road Race and would take Jimmy with him to some of the local races so he could particiapte in the one mile fun runs. Otherwise Jimmy, as a youngster, considered running punishment when he was in trouble. Jimmy advised that at Newtron County High School, where he attended, he considered himself “small and shy” and did not particiapte in sports. However, his father made sure that Jimmy stayed in shape by completeing his chores which included cutting firewood three or four times a week every week. Jimmy’s teenage passions were enjoying the outdoors and hunting. He recalls receiving his first .22 caliber rifle from his father at age four. Jimmy was always accurate, defining gun control as hitting what you aim at!
After graduating high school on a Saturday, Jimmy was working in the field as an electrican’s apprentice on the following Monday. As an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E. W) apprentice he worked on projects in the Covington area as well as Atlanta. Jimmy advanced in the IBEW organization and was an IBEW representative for five years. In 2005, Jimmy began employment with contractor Inglett-Stubbs. Specialty projects of the firm that Jimmy worked on include Lockheed Martin buildings, the Hewlett Packard building, America’s Mart, CDC buildings, and the Animal Health and Research facility in Athens. Currently Jimmy is a General Foreman for Inglett-Stubbs on the new Mercedees Benz Stadium project that when completed will be the home of the Atlanta Falcons.
Jimmy met Martha, his wife of twenty-seven years, while in high school. They were married in 1989 and have been “blessed” with two children, Morgan (the oldest who runs with her parents), and Beau. Beau is a special young man with special needs. Beau does not run many races, but every once in a while he joins his parents and sister on a race course. The family treks began when Jimmy was forty-five and started running with Morgan to “get in shape”. The family discovered what they term the “Black Baggers” in 2015-those who run multiple races in a day for Black Bag Race Series Points. The discovery of running led the Worleys to organize a Run for God group at the Mansfield Baptist Church where they attend. They meet for runs and “let God lead them on his path through a Sunday School lesson guide aimed at runners. The neatest thing about this group is how encouraging and knowledgable they are and how willing they are to share their knowledge. The stories of each runner and the different ages, sizes, and abilities is incredible.” Jimmy quickly realized”not to judge runners before they race”.
Jimmy consistently turns a 21 to 22 minute 5K, and has compiled over 1,000 points in the Black Bag Race Series and 2,054 in the Run and See Georgia Race Series in 2015. Jimmy was first in the age 45-49 age group in the Run and See Georgia Race Series, Black Bag Race Series, and Clover Glove Race Series. Martha was third in her age group while Morgan was first in her age group in all three series.
Bob checking out from the back of the pack. Watch for the profile on Sue Chastain and profile of George Roberson.