Veronica Doster - Flipping Off and Running

Veronica was born in Gainesville, GA yet her parents were residents of Athens. Being the youngest of the litter, she was raised in a gaggle of seven brothers and one sister in Athens. Veronica’s parents were lifetime textile industry employees, and Veronica worked part time in the summer in the same mills. Veronica’s parents both had been previously married with her mother contributing five sons and her father two sons and a daughter to the union. Veronica was the one offspring of eight from their second marriage. The age spread of the offspring resulted in Veronica’s sister being age nineteen and her oldest brother twenty-five when she was born.
Veronica graduated from Cedar Shoals High School in Athens, and attended the University of Georgia. As her father’s health declined, she decided to leave college in 1984 to join the work force at Westinghouse in Athens. The Westinghouse plant manufactured large electrical transformers. Veronica left Westinghouse after thirteen years for a position with Danaklon-Fibervisions, a firm that made industrial fibers. The grass was not as green at Danaklon-Fibervisions as Veronica had hoped, and seven years later she returned to Westinghouse. Veronica experienced Westinghouse selling the Athens plant facility to the Swedish/Swiss multinational firm ABB Group (now called Powerpartners), and has remained there for a tenure of twenty-seven years and still counting. Most of us envy Veronica who only has a seven-minute commute to work.
Veronica at age forty-six married bearded Randy Booth. Randy was a Mustang, but has been converted from Ford to a Chevrolet by Veronica. Veronica is a Chevrolet Camaro enthusiast as seen modeling with her favorite mode of transport in the photos. Randy has her heart, but Veronica still has her maiden name like many professional marred females. They have only four legged children-two dogs, two cats, and a two-legged bird. Her hobby, besides running, is roller skating, and helping Randy acquire properties that need tender loving care. Together they have acquired five rental homes and have been refurbishing acquired homes to flip. They have sold one home and have two others that are a work in process. Their real estate venture operates under the name Misty’s Pawperties, named after a deceased pet Husky who expired at age seventeen. Veronica and Randy invest a lot of sweat equity in their properties doing most of the renovation themselves.
Veronica only begin her running hobby three years ago. She participated in an American Cancer Society Relay for Life event that was sponsored by her employer. Then Veronica participated in twenty 5K races in 2015, maybe forty to fifty in 2016, and well over one hundred in 2017 earning a Black Bag 1,000-point jacket. Her favorite race is the Watkinsville SOAR and any other race that promotes pet rescue. She improved her standing from fifth in Run and See Georgia Grand Prix in 2016 to first in the age 55-59 female age group. Veronica also is first in her age group the Black Bag and Clover Glove Race series in 2017. Veronica acknowledges that “people who race have become awesome friends” and a part of her life.
Bob checking out from the back of the pack. Watch for theprofile of Tom Wendle and profile of Tammy Miller.