Beach Running

“But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint”
(Isaiah 40:31,NKJV)
The jury is still out for me when it comes to beach running.
On the one hand, the beach is so inviting, so invigorating, and such a “toss your worries to the wind” setting for a good run! Think of it: you typically have a stiff breeze in your face in one direction and that glorious tailwind on the return leg; the roar of the relentless, pounding surfn; and, depending on the time of day – alternately stunning sunrises, glowing sunsets – or smothering heat if you run mid-day. It’s enough to make one daydream at work!
But there are clear negatives to running the beach. Forget all that cutesy stuff. Let’s get real. Running in sand is tough work. Sand makes for soft, squishy footing that requires your foot to pivot deeper for pushing off – quite unlike solid pavement. Or, if you dare to run the water’s edge, you risk wet shoes. And sand CLINGS to wet shoes. And socks. Over the course of several miles, sand will invariably find a way into your shoes. Net effect:
running with coarse sandpaper instead of Dr. Scholls’ inserts. Good grief.
So I start beach runs with lofty, laudable aspirations which quickly evaporate as my legs, ankles, and feet morph into heavy lead.
Beach running can be a lot like life. We embark on something new – a job; a relationship; a new financial plan; even new spiritual resolves. Big plans, big dreams, big goals, only to be confronted by the realities of shifting sands. Pleasure becomes hard work!
And “our legs of hope” grow weary.
Jesus made no bones about facing difficult challenges in life.
“In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). A couple of thousand years ago, Job observed, “For man is born for trouble; as sparks fly upward” (Job 5:7). So, what’s new?
Into this world of trouble and heart-ache – a world where tragedy, injury, cancer, or COVID-19 suddenly devastate our big plans – Jesus comes. He didn’t avoid the valley of the shadow of death; He overcame it. And He leads us THROUGH that valley.
As one who died but has been resurrected from the dead, He lives to fulfill Isaiah’s promise: “But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
Sometimes my legs grow weary. But in Jesus I find strength to press on! Like the methodical, relentless, pounding surf, He faithfully shows up, over and over and over. I am only a thirsty man who has found in Him deep reservoirs of cold water to quench my thirst. Join me in finding that same satisfaction!