Support for Running Friends

“And not finding any way to bring him in because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiles with his stretcher, right in the center, in front of Jesus” (Luke 5:19).
Luke’s Gospel renders this heart-warming story of a paralyzed man who received support from his friends. Apparently, Jesus was in the vicinity and the man wanted to see Him, but was quite unable because – he couldn’t walk. Paralyzed legs rendered him helpless.
Seems like paralysis would be a runner’s nightmare. There is, after all, a particular joy to lacing up shoes and heading out for a good running workout. And our hearts all beat a little faster in those final moments at the start line of a timed race. So, the thoughts of being bed-ridden pose quite the challenge for a runner.
But the paralytic in this story knew none of the satisfactions from the run world. We don’t know all the details to his story – he may have been paralyzed from birth; or perhaps from some mishap while on the job. Whatever the case, we do know he wanted to go see Jesus, but was confined to his pallet. He was not able.
Enter the man’s friends. His buddies grabbed him up and carried him to Jesus. When they arrived, however, the crowd was immense, and there was not a chance of getting close. So, they went “the extra mile.” Not to be denied, the friends hoisted the paralytic up to the roof, cut open a hole and lowered the stretcher right in front of Jesus – and the man was healed.
Friends find ways to support one another. Support may be as simple as a phone call, text, or IM offering words of support or congratulations on a new PR. As the Bible teaches, “And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26), referencing church life. Caring is contagious!
The running community provides ample opportunities to make friends; and the best way to HAVE friends is to BE a friend. From time to time, one or more of our running friends run into a tough situation in life – today I’m thinking of Chris Scammon who had brain surgery back on July 16th – and his recovery is slow, but steady. Richard Harrison had surgery recently, and Wilson Page has had cancer spread into his bones. Tony Presley is in a monumental battle with cancer—he and Donna are my heroes! And my buddy, Chris Gaunt – an avid runner competing in 25 consecutive Peachtree Road Races before Parkinson’s got its ugly grip on him. You may be aware of other runners in need. I’ll never forget George Southgate having heart bypass surgery a couple of years ago - and was back running 5K’s, 10K’s and marathons in the blink of an eye – amazing!
The Bible passage in Luke 5 provides a practical way of showing support – carrying our friends to the Lord in prayer. The Bible passage from Luke 5 provides a huge motivator to pray! Luke 5:17 says “the power of the Lord was present to perform healing.”
Oh, the mysteries of sickness and healing! Challenges like these in life beckon us deep, deep, deep in exploring the world of faith, trusting God, and His will. I wish understood it all, but I don’t.
In the meantime, I’ll do what I can – and invite you to join me – in being a friend to a friend by carrying them, by faith, to the Lord in prayer.