Why did you start running?

A friend said he decided to lose some weight. So he started running, and started watching what he was eating. A friend invited him to a 5k run. After he did the first one, he met some people and decided to do more. He soon became a member of the family of runners.
A lady decided to exercise, and joined a friend at a 5k. In a short time, she was running more than the friend, and was hooked on the running family with the Run and See Georgia Grand Prix. She was enjoying seeing the state.
The Run and See Georgia Grand Prix was started to get runners to see new places, and see more of Georgia.
A young teen was taken to a college basketball game. Seeing the players up close, and enjoying the excitement of the game peaked his interest in basketball. He wanted to see and do more.
A little fellow met a Major league baseball player. The youngster did not know much about baseball, but from then on his interest grew, and he wanted to learn more.
An older couple staying at a hotel in a big city noticed a group of extremely tall men in the lobby with them, and found out that they were the San Antonio Spurs an NBA basketball team. Since then, any mention of basketball reminds them of that day. They now have a favorite basketball team, the San Antonio spurs.
A family visited the home of a former President. The setting of that time in history, and the style of dress, was okay. But the lady giving the tour was so excited, and made the tour so interesting, that the young person got interested in the early history of our country.
A friend invited a young person to VBS, at church. After the visit, the young man got excited about going to church. He started attending other services and activities.
The common thing in all these stories, is one friend inviting another friend to participate. Doing something with someone the first time, is much easier with a friend. All the advertising, and the talk, all noise is okay, but real results come from one on one recommendations.
So you need to tell someone about your interest, AND invite them to participate with you.
It also means that you may ask about an activity, and why they are excited about doing it. They would be glad to tell you. And you will be glad you did.