What is the difference between a caterpillar and a chameleon?

Have you seen a chameleon? It is like a lizard. You seen them on plants, and sometimes on walls. Do you know what color they are? On plants they are green. Well they may be different shades of green. They change their color to match their surroundings. They can hide like that. You have to look close to see them.
They do not want to be noticed. When they crawl around in the dirt, their color changes to match the area.
A caterpillar crawls around also. They look prickly. They are a drab color, and are ignored by most people. Not much to see there.
But something happens to the caterpillar. They go into a cocoon. After awhile they come out. Actually they have to break out to get out. When they come out there is a major change. They are a beautiful color. They have become a butterfly! They no longer crawl along the ground. They fly. They flitter around and are a beautiful sight to see.
Instead of hiding they are now special, and show all the new colors, and the change is obvious to everybody that sees them.
Some people can be like chameleons. They agree with people that they are around. But when they are with a different crowd, they agree with them at that time. They do not want to be noticed, or different. They would rather match their surroundings, and go along with the crowd.
A Christian is like the caterpillar. When Jesus comes into their life, He does not just change the color. He makes a major change. He makes new. From that point on in their life, they act and talk different. It is not different to please the crowd. It is because they are different.
When that happens to someone, it is a change that is easy for everybody to see. Have you made that change? You must choose to do it. Do it today.