Do You Have a Twin?

Have you seen a picture where someone has a picture of themselves next to a celebrity? The question is, who do you look like? It could be a movie star, a singer, or an athlete.
Why do they do that? It could be just for fun. It could be a goal for them to reach. One young lady had surgery to make herself look like Barbie. Many young football players do the Heisman pose. They picture themselves being a star running back.
What does the picture of the star look like? Most have a trademark face, or gesture. They want to present a certain message.
The people in the news are usually yelling, or unhappy. The photos of the champion show all smiling faces. While the losers all seem to be sad and discouraged. One driver that got wrecked, asked for time before he answered questions. He knew that he needed to calm down before he answered properly.
What do you see from these examples? Many people will see these responses, and form an opinion about each of those people. Is that fair? Is that true?
A friend recently asked a question about a borderline activity. Some said it was alright to do it. Others thought it was a bad example. Many worried about what somebody would say about them for doing it.
This issue can create two pictures. For the parent, the picture would be with their child next to them. The goal for the parent would be to be the best example.
For the Christian, the picture could be you and Jesus. You could never be as Jesus, but it would be a good desire or goal. How high do you want to set the standard for yourself?
The best part is that Jesus does not judge you like those others do from one picture. He knows your heart, and he loves you anyway. He does not give grades. When He forgives your sin, He makes you righteous. When God sees the two pictures, He only sees one.