Why did you do that?

When you saw someone drop a ten dollar bill, you went and picked it up and returned to them. It was a good thing to do.
You could have done it because you wanted to do it. Or maybe you thought you had to do it.
A person drives slow through a school slow zone. They did it because the law says to do it, or they did not want to get a ticket. Or they had respect for the children that were walking there.
A business puts twelve items in a box labeled a dozen. They do not want to get caught putting less. They do it to keep out of trouble, or they do it because it is the right thing to do. Or they do it because they believe that way.
Laws are written for a reason. They are to be written for the society to benefit.
Business schools teach ethics. Ethics is the proper way to conduct business for the benefit of the whole society. Good ethics result in a better society.
Letting someone in front of you in line, thanking a waitress for her service, holding the door for someone are things that a person can do. They can be done because they have to be done, or for show, or because you want to do it.
Families teach etiquette and manners. These are ways that you can be a better person. They result in a better society.
A person follows ethics, and etiquette, and manners because they have to, are made to, or choose to. Maturity is learning to do the right thing by choice.
The Christian follows God's laws by choice, and not because God made them do it. Why do you do the right thing?