What is Triage?

What is triage? When there is an earthquake, or hurricane, or some other disaster, there are many victims. The doctors or EMTs have to triage or prioritize the patients.
Some need urgent attention, while others with scrapes and scratches can wait.
On the job, there may be several projects going on at the same time. The boss has to decide, then arrange and prioritize the schedule. Some need immediate attention for the plant to function. Others may be improvements to the systems that can wait.
In life priorities have to be set also. Babies and young children take priority around the home. They sometimes limit the pursuit of other personal pleasures and activities of the family.
Priorities are also a factor in college. Studies of the basics come first, then other areas of majors will follow. They also come before the extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, and personal entertainment.
The Christian life requires priority setting also. A basic knowledge of the Bible is needed. After that the individual is able to study some of the personal favorite subjects.
Deciding priorities is a part of life. Whether government, business, entertainment, or any other area of life, requires choices. Individual choices may not always agree with corporate or group decisions. This causes trouble, and can start large problems. Each person must then decide if the issue is worth fighting for, or let the issue go for the time and trouble.
Who decides? You decide your priorities. Others will always want to push you to their beliefs, and try to get you to see it their way. You decide if you will go with the flow to make them happy, or hold to your values. Sometimes you will stand alone. You must make that choice for yourself.