Have you been Brainstorming? What is Brainstorming?

When a group of people get together to solve a problem, or decide how to proceed, it is called brainstorming.
Maybe you have seen the television spot with the young people at St.Jude's hospital. There is group of kids discussing what to do to get more support for the research. The one boy asks for ideas. All the others give some thoughts on what would be good to try. The ideas are not good or bad. They are the team thinking out loud.
Many have input that is valuable. But the leader has to make the final decision.
Spring training for Major league baseball is normally taking place now. The manager has a brainstorming time with his coaches. They all present their thoughts. Maybe the pitching coach tells about the developments among the pitchers. The batting coach talks about how the hitting is going. The other coaches talk about their areas. But the final decision on which player stay is up to the manager.
Companies have meetings like this. It may be for new products, new advertising, or expansion. Again the final say is up to the boss.
In each case, a leader or boss has to make the tough and final decision.
The last few weeks have made some churches make some changes. It took brainstorming on the part of the leaders to figure out what to do. Several people had input into the decision process., but it still came down to one person making the final decision.
What about you? It takes brainstorming around the house because of the quarantine. Many people are saying that they are bored.
Some dads are having to finish some projects that have been on hold. Maybe you have some chores that you did not want to do.
Brainstorming for you is mom suggesting some games, or projects, or reading. If you have brothers or sisters, it is called voting on what you want to do.
Some people can take advantage of the quiet time. You do lots of thinking about what you would like to do, or about your choices in life, or what part does Jesus play in your life. What you decide to do, or how you act is your decision. Listen to ideas, study the facts, and consider your options. Then you decide.