Did you see that train?

Everybody notices a train as it passes by the area. There engineer leads with the engine, and sometimes there are two engines for a big load.
In the past, the steam engine had a coal car right behind it. The coal was the source of power for the engine. They were a team. The passenger cars always followed patiently traveling to reach the destination. Sometimes they noticed the hills, and bumps, and stops along the way.
Have you seen a time when there was an engine in the middle, or even at the back of the train? Those engines were just for power, because they could not see where they were going, and were following blindly.
The passengers were happy to reach the destination. Some did notice the sights along the way, while others had no idea of the events as they traveled. You could say they had blind faith in the engineer.
Recently, in a war movie, the pilot had to make an emergency landing at a different airport because of low fuel. The clouds were so thick that he could not see anything. The tower gave him directions. They tracked him by altitude, direction, and speed. The lives of the pilot and crew were in the hands of tower and the pilot working together to land safely. The pilot had blind faith in man in the tower giving directions.
Have you used a GPS navigational device? Traveling in a big city, and not knowing your way around, the GPS tracks the way for you. Sometimes it looks like you are going the wrong way but have to trust the technology, and follow blindly. The destination is a happy sight.
Life can be like these events also. A youngster follows mom and dads directions blindly. They have to trust them. There are other times in life like this also.
A manufacturing plant has to do this also. They are given the designs of a product. Each person along the way, must do their part without knowing how it all fits together. They follow blindly.
The Christian life is patterned after this also. The Christian should follow the plan that God has for them. The world would call that blind faith. You should trust God, even when you do not know what will happen, because He is the engineer, tower, GPS, and parent for your life. He will always direct you the right way. You can look forward to reaching your goal.