Do You Want To Live?

Do you want to live? Everybody wants to live. But the question is more than that.
The country and the world are in a difficult time right now. Some people are scared. They do not know what is going to happen. People are going from day to day.
They have done all kinds of things. Some have watched all the movies they can stand, and others have done puzzles and things. Many have talked all they know about politics, about sports, and about any other subject you can name.
People want to get out. They miss friends, and travel, and even work. The world seems discouraged and depressed. They are not happy. The professionals are trying to tell them ways to cope. They are not happy.
Are the Christians different? Christians see the same things. They have done many of the same activities. They want to get out. You miss the fellowship with your family, your teammates, your dormmates, and your church family. The good thing is that you do not have to be at church to fellowship with God's family.
A Christian may be alone, but never has to be lonely. Jesus is always with you. In the Bible, in the book of Amos and chapter five, it says Seek the Lord, and you shall live. Also in the New Testament, it says to have abundant life. Abundant means special life.
What can you see from where you are? It is spring. The grass is turning green, the flowers are starting to grow, the trees are getting leaves, and the gardens are ready to produce.
There are some beautiful sunrise sights, and some special sunsets. The rains have shown some truly great rainbows. God made a wonderful world.
God loves you. He wants you to look at your life, to trust Him, and to look forward to what He has in store for you in the next few days. Now look up and smile, and get ready for what God is going to do in your life.