TOBI's full name is Thaddaeus Obadiah Bartholomew Isaiah. TOBI and George travel to church's, festivals and fairs sharing inspiration and encouraging skits to children and adults. We are pleased to bring you TOBI's article on our site. You can contact TOBI and George through their Facebook page.
Celebrate Christmas!
Thanksgiving was a special family time of sharing. Many thank you's were said. It is always good memories of family time.
The Christmas season is always a special time of celebration. Lots of fun things to do and dream about. Many fun and wonderful activities.
On the negative side, there are some sad memories of loved ones that died during the holiday season. And some sad memories of events that happened in the past of someone or something.
At one plant, a group decided to pull a prank on a fellow. It started out in the morning. The first person said, How are you? You do not look good. Then several others throughout the morning repeated the comment. By the middle of the day, the fellow went home sick. The influence and peer pressure caused the man to actually feel sick.
On the positive side are many good memories. The hot chocolate that Grandma made when the crew came in from the cold time outside. Maybe the Christmas eve candlelight service, or that baby born during Christmas.
There is that person that just makes you feel good being around them. Nothing in particular, just a special time. I imagine Jesus was like that. People just felt special after they were around Him.
When you see a painting, there is a focal point. The message of the painting is directed by the lighting and shading to direct you to that spot. Few Christmas memories are about the expensive game or gift that someone got. Most are of the special time with someone.
The focus of Christmas is Jesus. Not the baby Jesus, but what Jesus means to you, and your life around Him, and what He has done for you.
So enjoy the Christmas season. Celebrate family. Celebrate the Christian family. Celebrate what Jesus has done for you.
Cubs Win! Cubs Win!
Everybody was excited about the great World Series. There were some great wins. They were the talk of the country.
Even in the championship games there were some fundamental errors, that may have cost each team a game.
Fundamentals are an important part of any game. Whether you play rec basketball, little league baseball, or rec football, the coach's job is to teach each player the fundamentals of the game.
The conservative or basic principles of the game are the basis of everything that you do. For example, all teams start out with the layup drill. If you cannot shoot layups your team will have trouble. The three point shots are fun to watch, but even the best shoot less than fifty per cent.
In running, the fundamentals include the right shoes. Then you learn the proper way to run, and the amount to run. You start out conservative. Starting off with a marathon can get you in trouble.
Parents start out with conservative views. They may liberalize as they have more kids. You have heard the older child in a family accuse the parents of changing the rules for the next child. They seem to go easier on the second one. Liberal is not always better.
Some churches seem to start out conservative, but then they drop some of the fundamental beliefs. They are more liberal in what they allow or do. Some call that better. How do you judge those things?
The Bible is the best source. Some people are trying to rewrite the Words in the Bible. The conservatives try to maintain their fundamental beliefs. The liberals try to change or alter the words or fundamentals of the Bible.
You must decide what you believe and why. If you have fundamental beliefs, that foundation will help you decide what to do.
Why did you start running?
That's Going To Leave A Mark!
That is a popular saying now. It happens when someone falls, or trips, or some other thing happens. It is not fun to see.
It is not much fun to be the one it happens to either.
A runner falls, and someone rushes to help them get up afterwards. You see a kid on a bicycle or skateboard go down, you want to help. The Bible calls that the gift of service. It is the desire to be there for someone when they need help.
In school, when someone drops their tray, instead of cheering or laughing, that person helps to pick up the mess. Or when someone is struggling with a math problem, you help them to understand.
You see someone having a hard day, that serving person is there to encourage them. It is someone that notices when something is not right, and wants to help.
A fellow on a bicycle this weekend said he could not run a 5k, but he rode five hours out on the marathon course to be there for anyone needing help. Or maybe it is that runner that just encourages other runners along the way. The same is true for the workers volunteering at the aid stations along the course.
As a Christian, those are the things that you just do. You do not need to be told to be that way. It is Jesus living His life through you. The inner joy from being there for somebody is special.
Most of the time, there is no recognition, but that does not matter. Those acts of kindness are not done to be seen.
They are done out of love. Every Christian should be doing those things naturally, and regularly.