Are You Confused?

The whole world seems confused these days. The COVID virus has affected all of us.
First they said, nobody should wear a mask. Then they wanted everybody to wear one. Then they had a drug that would work, and then they said not to take it.
After that the cities and countries shut down. They wanted to flatten the curve. The numbers still go up everyday. They closed schools and churches but that did not help.
The troubles in the country got worse. The news kept changing the stories. People everywhere were scared and afraid. People began burning and looting, and they never seemed to know why.
People are starting to think about what will happen to them when they die. The Bible has the answers. But people are still confused.
Some people do not believe the Bible. They are confused about what it says. They are confused because they believe what someone says it says instead of reading it for themselves. It is like a different language to them.
Have you seen an artist doing a painting at a service? He seems to be painting at random all over the canvas. If you are trying to follow him, it is confusing with no plan.
After he is done, and the special light is turned on, you can see a beautiful picture. You can see where the plan reached the goal.
People see life like that also. But the Christian knows the artist and trusts him. They do not know where things are going, but they know God. and believe He has a plan. They do not have to worry.
The good news is that God loves you. The bad news is that you have sinned. The good news is God had a plan. Jesus lived a perfect life, and died on the cross for your sin. He rose again.
Now comes the hard part that is confusing. You have to ask God to forgive your sin. It is confusing to people because they think that is too easy.
Some people think they have only done a few sins, others think they have done to many for God to forgive. Both are wrong.
The confusion can go away when you trust God to forgive your sin. You may still have trouble seeing the plan, but you can trust God to reach the goal. .