TOBI's full name is Thaddaeus Obadiah Bartholomew Isaiah.  TOBI and George travel to church's, festivals and fairs sharing inspiration and encouraging skits to children and adults.  We are pleased to bring you TOBI's article on our site.  You can contact TOBI and George through their Facebook page.


Why did you do that?

When you saw someone drop a ten dollar bill, you went and picked it up and returned to them. It was a good thing to do.

You could have done it because you wanted to do it. Or maybe you thought you had to do it.

A person drives slow through a school slow zone. They did it because the law says to do it, or they did not want to get a ticket. Or they had respect for the children that were walking there.

A business puts twelve items in a box labeled a dozen. They do not want to get caught putting less. They do it to keep out of trouble, or they do it because it is the right thing to do. Or they do it because they believe that way.

Laws are written for a reason. They are to be written for the society to benefit.

Business schools teach ethics. Ethics is the proper way to conduct business for the benefit of the whole society. Good ethics result in a better society.

Letting someone in front of you in line, thanking a waitress for her service, holding the door for someone are things that a person can do. They can be done because they have to be done, or for show, or because you want to do it.

Families teach etiquette and manners. These are ways that you can be a better person. They result in a better society.

A person follows ethics, and etiquette, and manners because they have to, are made to, or choose to. Maturity is learning to do the right thing by choice.

The Christian follows God's laws by choice, and not because God made them do it. Why do you do the right thing?


He Hit Me!

Have you said or heard that before? A brother gets hit, and he hits back. Of course, he has to hit harder. Mom will have to step in and stop it.

Later in school, one fellow says some mean things to another kid. He attacks back to defend himself. Words hurt more than a punch. Someone said that teens think that they make themselves taller by standing on another teenager.

Adults can do the same things. A smart comment stings, so it has to be answered. It keeps escalating.

In each of these cases, someone is trying to get even. But that will never happen.

The Count of Monte-Christo is a famous book. The young man is betrayed, and appears destroyed. He is sentenced to life in a dungeon. Through an unusual set of circumstances he gains freedom, and the location of a fortune in jewels.

He uses the extreme wealth to find, humiliate and destroy the ones that did the terrible things to him. One at a time, he finds and deals with each one. But each step lowers him. By the time he has settled the score, he has wasted years, and still has the hate and anger. He did not make things even.

His priorities have become twisted, and he has lost his values. The actions did not bring him happiness.

You will take hits and wrongs in your life. You will choose how you answer each one. You can become bitter, and hateful. Or you can keep your priorities, and find some happiness.

The Christian expects challenges to their faith, and lifestyle. Happiness will come and go. But the joy of the Lord will always be there for you, even if you do not get even.


Do You Have a Twin?

Have you seen a picture where someone has a picture of themselves next to a celebrity? The question is, who do you look like? It could be a movie star, a singer, or an athlete.

Why do they do that? It could be just for fun. It could be a goal for them to reach. One young lady had surgery to make herself look like Barbie. Many young football players do the Heisman pose. They picture themselves being a star running back.

What does the picture of the star look like? Most have a trademark face, or gesture. They want to present a certain message.

The people in the news are usually yelling, or unhappy. The photos of the champion show all smiling faces. While the losers all seem to be sad and discouraged. One driver that got wrecked, asked for time before he answered questions. He knew that he needed to calm down before he answered properly.

What do you see from these examples? Many people will see these responses, and form an opinion about each of those people. Is that fair? Is that true?

A friend recently asked a question about a borderline activity. Some said it was alright to do it. Others thought it was a bad example. Many worried about what somebody would say about them for doing it.

This issue can create two pictures. For the parent, the picture would be with their child next to them. The goal for the parent would be to be the best example.

For the Christian, the picture could be you and Jesus. You could never be as Jesus, but it would be a good desire or goal. How high do you want to set the standard for yourself?

The best part is that Jesus does not judge you like those others do from one picture. He knows your heart, and he loves you anyway. He does not give grades. When He forgives your sin, He makes you righteous. When God sees the two pictures, He only sees one.


Are you like Mr. MONK?

Have you seen the television show about Mr. Monk? He is a detective that is very strange. He has many phobias, or fear of many things. He has strange actions and habits.

Most people laugh at him because of the way he behaves. They do not understand him. As a child, he was laughed at, and bullied.

As a detective, he looks very closely at the scene, and often he sees things that others may have missed. He thinks carefully and extra to see some details that are important

to the crime. You could say that he has a higher standard.

Sometimes he does have a feeling about the person in question, but that feeling is based on a fact that got his attention when he was talking to them.

In the final scene, he has a gleam in his eye, and a smile across his face as he says, I just solved the case.

The Christian life can be like this Mr. Monk. Many times Christians behave differently than those around them. This can cause those around them to laugh at them, or be mean

to them In some way. Some Christian young people are bullied or intimidated because they want to do better. They reach for a higher standard for themselves.

The Christian studies the facts, and looks closely, and thinks much about what the Bible says. Sometimes his feelings made him study more, but the answer is still based on

the facts. How can you tell the result?

Like Mr. Monk, when a person sees and understands that the answer is receiving Jesus' gift of eternal life and forgiveness of sin, the smile is real. Do you have that smile?

The smile is an outward sign of the inward peace.


Do You Want To Live?

Do you want to live? Everybody wants to live. But the question is more than that.

The country and the world are in a difficult time right now. Some people are scared. They do not know what is going to happen. People are going from day to day.

They have done all kinds of things. Some have watched all the movies they can stand, and others have done puzzles and things. Many have talked all they know about politics, about sports, and about any other subject you can name.

People want to get out. They miss friends, and travel, and even work. The world seems discouraged and depressed. They are not happy. The professionals are trying to tell them ways to cope. They are not happy.

Are the Christians different? Christians see the same things. They have done many of the same activities. They want to get out. You miss the fellowship with your family, your teammates, your dormmates, and your church family. The good thing is that you do not have to be at church to fellowship with God's family.

A Christian may be alone, but never has to be lonely. Jesus is always with you. In the Bible, in the book of Amos and chapter five, it says Seek the Lord, and you shall live. Also in the New Testament, it says to have abundant life. Abundant means special life.

What can you see from where you are? It is spring. The grass is turning green, the flowers are starting to grow, the trees are getting leaves, and the gardens are ready to produce.

There are some beautiful sunrise sights, and some special sunsets. The rains have shown some truly great rainbows. God made a wonderful world.

God loves you. He wants you to look at your life, to trust Him, and to look forward to what He has in store for you in the next few days. Now look up and smile, and get ready for what God is going to do in your life.